
Learn more about the basic reminders system of SajuukBot, letting you set up simple messages to notify you of things you need.

SajuukBot will be ceasing operations on March 31st 2024, due to a variety of factors. For more information, please refer to the announcement provided on the SajuukBot discord server and your options for migrating to a new bot.

Reminders is a relatively simplistic module by the standards of commands elsewhere. It allows you to set up simple automated notifications for yourself to remind you of things you need to do at a later time.

Reminders does not contain any commands to allow users to manage the reminders of others: all commands given below only impact the user invoking the command.


This section of configuration is a root key, which means it should not be indented and in line with the basic settings like levels, prefix and the like. Please see the full basic configuration for more details on how it should be formatted.

  enabled: false
      enabled: false
      level: 50
      enabled: false
      level: 50
      enabled: false
      level: 50
      enabled: false
      level: 50


Due to space constraints, the required syntax of commands, and an example of how they work, are given provided after the list of commands and explanations.

Every command follows the exact same formatting:

  • A key called enabled determining if the command is enabled or not.

  • A key called level, determining the minimum level required to use the command

At the root of the reminders key is an enabled key, which globally controls the commands assigned to this module. If the root key is false, then no command will operate, regardless of whether an individual command is enabled.

All commands are subcommands to the !r group. An alias exists for adding reminders, !remind which does not require the add subcommand as this is assumed on your behalf.

Syntax and Examples

Below are the syntax requirements of the above commands, along with an example to show how it works.

Last updated