
A quick overview of some verbiage and terms you'll see throughout these docs.

SajuukBot will be ceasing operations on March 31st 2024, due to a variety of factors. For more information, please refer to the announcement provided on the SajuukBot discord server and your options for migrating to a new bot.

There's a lot of terminology you might see referenced in this documentation. This page hopefully serves as a reference point to explain those different terms:

  • YAML - A subset of JSON, used to create structured but human readable documents. It is the configuration format used by SajuukBot, making config management very easy for users.

  • Node - A key that contains one or more sub-keys. Each sub key might also be a node with its own definition of sub-keys.

  • Key/Value - A key is the name given to assign a specific value eg prefix: ! (the key is "prefix" and the value is "!"). Internally, the bot reads values based on the key names.

  • Validator - A method in which a guild configuration is made to follow a specific format in terms of nodes, keys and values, to ensure that the bot cannot receive bad data.

  • String - A key containing a value consisting of any type of text, be that alphanumeric characters or symbols.

  • Boolean - A key containing a value consisting of only "true" or "false" in non-string format. Booleans are often used as toggles to turn functionality on or off.

  • Integer - A key containing a value that represents numbers only. These types of keys are often used to represent Discord IDs, such as channels, users or roles. Some settings accept integers as names of keys, such as in the levels and multi-modlog functionalities.

  • Python List - A key containing a value that represents multiple values of the same type. This kind of list is defined using a traditional list format involving square brackets, eg ["a string", "another string"]

  • YAML List - A key containing a value that represents multiple values of the same type. This kind of list utilises a cleaner format that takes advantage of YAML's inherent automatic conversion for strings, meaning that quotation marks are not required. YAML lists are defined using hyphens to denote an item on each new line.

Last updated