
Learn more about the core events that SajuukBot lets you configure.

SajuukBot will be ceasing operations on March 31st 2024, due to a variety of factors. For more information, please refer to the announcement provided on the SajuukBot discord server and your options for migrating to a new bot.

The Events module represents all of the passive events that happen in the background which are not based on the use of a bot command. This section lets you configure how the bot should listen for these kind of background events in the context of:

  • Which events it should be listening for

  • Which events should require additional processing for audit log data

Every event has an enabled key which turns off the event. If an event is disabled, then no processing is done in any way on that event. Some events don't have an audit log key: this is because they do not query audit logs in any way.

Things to be aware of

The events section of the configuration is powerful. However, changing event settings can lead to unintended consequences which can create potential problems with bot functionality.

Only disable events if you know what you are doing. Otherwise, you should take the time to enable ALL events and then disable those which you know you don't need

If you disable an event from being processed, but you have a feature enabled where the event MUST be enabled in order to process the feature, you will invalidate the configuration of the feature.

These include things like Member Join, Member Leave, Message Reaction Add and Message Reaction Remove, all of which need to be enabled to use things like Member Persist, Anti Raid Joins and Pinboard.

With respect of the Message Edit and Delete events, you can add an options key to define channels, users or categories that the bot should ignore these events in. For example, a potential use case for this feature could be ignoring deletes or edits in modmail ticket channels, as these will likely clutter your modlogs unnecessarily.

This is a power user feature which you should not use unless you know what you are doing.

The AUTOMOD EXECUTED event is, by default, always enabled in a bot configuration, even when it is not defined.

The reason for this is that, should you choose to use the Discord AutoMod functionality with the setting to block messages enabled, the bot won't be able to properly track messages which get blocked by the AutoMod. If you don't need this functionality, just change the enabled key to false for this setting, but we recommend leaving it enabled.

In addition, this event requires the bot to have Manage Server. This is because Discord dispatches no data about the triggered AutoMod rule in the action event. If the bot does not have the correct permission, no modlog will be generated.

Last updated