
Find some common answers to issues people have when using the bot

SajuukBot will be ceasing operations on March 31st 2024, due to a variety of factors. For more information, please refer to the announcement provided on the SajuukBot discord server and your options for migrating to a new bot.

I applied for the bot, but I didn't get a response.

If you've applied to request the bot on a community, please note that it takes 2 business days to respond. You will not receive responses to applications over the weekend, so if you applied on Friday, you should get a response on Monday or Tuesday, depending on the level of information you have provided in your submission. If you haven't received a response in 2 business days, you may reach out to a bot developer to inquire into the issue some more.

I was approved to access SajuukBot, but I cannot add the bot to my approved community!

If you have been approved to use SajuukBot, please note that the approval was only granted for the community that you submitted an application for! You cannot be approved for SajuukBot at a user level, unless you're making extensive use of the bot on multiple servers. If you attempt to add the bot to a different community than the one you were approved for, then the bot will not join the server as it will consider that the community you're attempting to add it to wasn't approved / whitelisted.

These restrictions on being able to add the bot without the application system will be removed at some point in the future. However, no ETA's can be given for when this will occur, if it occurs at all.

I am unable to update my bot configuration.

Due to the way the bot has been designed, per-guild configurations can sometimes become "outdated" when the default internal configuration has been changed. For example, settings that were previously part of a bot feature may be removed if that feature is no longer being included in SajuukBot, or a previously valid key was actually found to be invalid and the mistake was corrected.

This means that, if you attempt to update your configuration after such changes were implemented, you may see warning messages when attempting to validate your configuration similar to the one below:

If you get errors like this, they're perfectly normal and are nothing to be concerned about. When internal changes are made, this is reflected on the validator (due to the validation file being updated to match what is "current"), which means subsequent edits to your (previously valid) configuration are processed against a newer validator which considers it invalid. Normally, the error you'll get will talk about some segment or key/value pair being "unexpected": to correct this issue, either remove the represented node (refer to Terminology for an explanation of a "node") or edit it to match the new format expected.

Changes to the bot configuration that require your action to update will be explained on the SajuukBot discord server and will also be referenced in the Changelogs: please refer to these before asking for support.

I tried adding self-assign roles / generating an embed for Reaction Roles / adding a new Reaction Role to an existing embed, but the bot prevented this because of "elevated permissions".

As of an update on 30th May 2021, SajuukBot no longer allows self-assign role functionality to impart roles on the public that will grant the user "elevated permissions". Prior to this update, the bot assumed that anyone adding such roles would ensure their roles did not elevate a user with permissions well beyond what is intended. For security reasons, this was changed, due to potential abuse vectors (where a role could grant the Administrator permission if set up this way).

As of May 30th, if your role contains any of the following permissions, it will not be possible for the user to add the role, nor will you be able to include it in Reaction Roles:

  • Administrator

  • Ban Members

  • Kick Members

  • Deafen Members

  • Manage Channels

  • Manage Emoji

  • Manage Server

  • Manage Messages

  • Manage Nicknames

  • Manage roles

  • Manage Webhooks

  • Mention @everyone/@here/All Roles

  • Move Members

  • Mute Members

  • Send TTS Messages

  • View Server Insights

Why is the "Send TTS Messages" permission mentioned above considered an elevated permission?

The Send TTS Messages permission, while not being very elevated in the context of moderation, is a permission that illicits obvious abuse. The permission itself allows anyone to send a message that will then be verbally spoken on every members PC by their respective TTS system. For this reason, Send TTS Messages is considered elevated and would only ever result in distress to others for no reason.

We recommend never enabling this permission on any roles whatsoever in your server. As a whole, the permission is wholly redundant because if a user wants to have TTS on messages, they can just enable that in their user settings, although it is not a very good feature anyway.

Last updated