Hints & Tips

Grab some useful hints and tips contributed by the community of members using SajuukBot!

SajuukBot will be ceasing operations on March 31st 2024, due to a variety of factors. For more information, please refer to the announcement provided on the SajuukBot discord server and your options for migrating to a new bot.

Over the years, various people have come across oddities in the bot, or just things they did not understand initially. The purpose of this page is to be a guide for things like syntax and ways to use bot commands in effective manners. This page is populated mostly by those who have used the bot by making suggestions on the SajuukBot discord server.

  1. Commands requiring a timestamp to be provided follow a specific syntax as follows:

    • 1y

    • 1mth

    • 1w (alias 1wk is available)

    • 1d

    • 1h (alias 1hr is available)

    • 1m (alias 1min is available)

    • 1s (alias 1sec is available)

    When using these timestamps, you can combine them to create combination timestamps that are calculated in the future. For example, if you wanted to mute someone for 2 hours 30 minutes, you would give the timestamp as 2h30m, which will be calculated as such in seconds. The only requirement for this syntax is that you follow it as given. The order does not matter so you can easily do 1w1s1h and it will be interpreted the same way as if you wrote it as 1w1h1s, as the calculation is done using a regex to get each piece.

  2. We've all run across those instances of people being permabanned from a discord server when we really meant to be tempbanning them. The bot offers the functionality to convert permanent bans into temporary bans using the !tempban modify command. All you need to provide is the user ID and a timestamp (following the format above) and it will automatically detect if the user is permabanned or not. If the user is indeed permabanned, the bot offers you the choice of converting that permaban to a tempban. The same thing works for mutes into tempmutes!

  3. An important facet of moderation, especially when you are working with a moderator bot, is knowing how to retrieve the various ID's of elements from Discord, be that a Role ID, Message ID or, more commonly, User ID's.

    To get these ID's, you will need to go to User Settings -> Appearance in your discord client, then toggle the option for Developer Mode to ON. Once this is done, you can right click elements and use the Copy ID option.

    This functionality is super important when you're trying to retrieve information about users when they are no longer in the server, and it also gets around a lot of issues involving mentions targeting the wrong person or not correctly mentioning the user, so it's good practice to get into the habit of only using ID's in bot commands

Last updated