
Learn about the basic things you need to do to configure SajuukBot.

SajuukBot will be ceasing operations on March 31st 2024, due to a variety of factors. For more information, please refer to the announcement provided on the SajuukBot discord server and your options for migrating to a new bot.

The following sections discuss some of the important elements of the configuration that will need to be configured after adding the bot before you use it. Also included is a small reference to the events configuration data due to the basic nature of this element.


The prefix is how the bot responds to bot commands. The default is ! but you can set it to any string value. The minimum length is 1 character, and the maximum length is 4 characters.

Due to Discords' native Slash Commands feature that is intended to make bot command usage simpler, the dashboard does not allow you to set your prefix to a forward-slash, ie /. This is because using the prefix will conflict with any slash command-enabled bots you have in your server and prevent you from using SajuukBot as intended.

Mute Role

In order to use any functionality where the bot adds a muted role to a user, you need to define which role will be used for this. Simply provide any valid Role ID here. If this is not configured, or the Role ID references a role that doesn't exist in your guild, this functionality will not be available anywhere in the bot.


Even if you request SajuukBot for only a limited number of features, like anti raid, you're still required to set a modlog channel so that any messages generated by the bot can be sent for later reference. At the bare minimum, the "channel" key under modlog -> master in the config needs to be set, the others are optional. The channel ID given must represent a valid channel in your guild, and it must also represent a channel that the bot can Read and Send Messages in: it is not required for the bot to have Attach Files, Embed Links or any other permission beyond these two.


The bot operates on a levels-based permission system. This works whereby a role ID is given an arbitrary number from a minimum value of 0: negative numbers are not allowed.

When a user executes a command or triggers any anti-spam functionality, all the roles they have are checked against the role ids given here. If a user has one or more of the roles that are defined, the levels' "value" is stored for consideration, then the "maximum effective level" that the user has (this is basically the highest integer number given to whatever their highest role is) is taken. This number is then compared against the level value defined for whatever they've triggered.

A user has permission to execute a command, or is exempted from an anti-spam filter, if the users' highest effective level is equal to or greater than the defined level of that feature. A user does not have permission if their highest effective level is less than the defined level of the feature.

Please see the example below for more on how to configure the levels key in your bot configuration:

  393153528740315136: 200 # Director
  475254842642661377: 199 # Founder
  389150267293302784: 150 # Trusted
  274971100184576010: 125 # Administrator
  871099880209260564: 110 # hidden
  415898423460626432: 110 # Assistant Admin
  864870863957393458: 100 # Trial Admin
  393554009799000064: 90 # Head Mod
  274980199668645888: 75 # Chat Moderator
  418055027639189504: 50 # Discord Moderator

Last updated