
SajuukBot will be ceasing operations on March 31st 2024, due to a variety of factors. For more information, please refer to the announcement provided on the SajuukBot discord server and your options for migrating to a new bot.


Welcome to the official documentation for SajuukBot, a fully functional and highly configurable moderation bot for Discord servers. This documentation is intended to be a reference point for all of the bot's commands and functionality, helping both users of the bot, and the administrators of the discord server the bot is helping out in, with configuration and usage.

Use the links on the left for how to use SajuukBot. You can also find the requirements and other useful links on the sidebar.

Please note that the documentation you find here may be incomplete or missing information from time to time. If you see something that is part of the bot which is not documented here, please let the bot development team know on the support server!

What is SajuukBot?

SajuukBot is a fully functional and highly configurable Discord Bot to be used on Discord communities. The core focus of everything built into the bot is solely for moderation: that means most of the commands and functionality are to assist moderators in managing their community.

However, SajuukBot contains more than just "moderation" commands, despite its primary use being for moderation. If a community decides to enable it, members can set up tags for reposting useful snippets of information and -- if fully configured -- can add roles to their own account, to access either hidden permissions or private discussion channels.

Last updated